
Baal kaand chaupai (11-15)

1.11- Chaupai

मनि मानिक मुकुता छबि जैसी। अहि गिरि गज सिर सोह न तैसी।।
नृप किरीट तरुनी तनु पाई। लहहिं सकल सोभा अधिकाई।।

Precious gemstones and diamonds have no glory when they are adorned on the heads of elephants and mountains. They are glorified only when used in the crown of a king or when a newly wedded girl wear them.

तैसेहिं सुकबि कबित बुध कहहीं। उपजहिं अनत अनत छबि लहहीं।।
भगति हेतु बिधि भवन बिहाई। सुमिरत सारद आवति धाई।।

In the same way , intellectual people say that the poem of a great poet is originated at a different place and attains glory at a different place where the society have same mindset as that of the poet. When a poet remembers Devi Saraswati , she leaves the Brahma Lok and runs at the poet seeing his devotion.

राम चरित सर बिनु अन्हवाएँ। सो श्रम जाइ न कोटि उपाएँ।।
कबि कोबिद अस हृदयँ बिचारी। गावहिं हरि जस कलि मल हारी।।

The tiredness of Saraswati can not be removed without her bathing in the river like Ramcharitmanas. Poets and Pandits , believe this and always sings the glory of Shri Hari , who is the remover of all sins .

कीन्हें प्राकृत जन गुन गाना। सिर धुनि गिरा लगत पछिताना।।
हृदय सिंधु मति सीप समाना। स्वाति सारदा कहहिं सुजाना।।
जौं बरषइ बर बारि बिचारू। होहिं कबित मुकुतामनि चारू।।

Saraswati bows down in regret when the poet uses the words for glorifying the character of mortal humans.

Wise people consider the heart as the sea, intellect as the seashell , and Saraswati as the Swati Nakshatra.
If the water of ideas rains in this then a very beautiful poem originates from it.


1.11 – Doha

जुगुति बेधि पुनि पोहिअहिं रामचरित बर ताग।
पहिरहिं सज्जन बिमल उर सोभा अति अनुराग।।11।।

Saints wear these pearls like poem on their heart , tying it in the thread like Ramcharitmanas which brings glory and love for them.

1.12- Chaupai

जे जनमे कलिकाल कराला। करतब बायस बेष मराला।।
चलत कुपंथ बेद मग छाँड़े। कपट कलेवर कलि मल भाँड़ें।।

Those who are born in Kaliyuga , whose actions are like crows, whose character is like a goose, who walk on the path of Adharma , leaving the vedic path, who are idol of  falsehood and are like a pot filled with sins.

बंचक भगत कहाइ राम के। किंकर कंचन कोह काम के।।
तिन्ह महँ प्रथम रेख जग मोरी। धींग धरमध्वज धंधक धोरी।।

Who decieve people on the name of Shri Ram , those who are the servants of wealth ,anger and lust , those who pretend to be righteous , and who run false business . Among people with such qualities , I would be the first one to be counted.

जौं अपने अवगुन सब कहऊँ। बाढ़इ कथा पार नहिं लहऊँ।।
ताते मैं अति अलप बखाने। थोरे महुँ जानिहहिं सयाने।।

If I start telling all of my bad qualities I would never stop and the poem would become long. So , I have written only few of my faults.Wise people can understand these faults of mine.

समुझि बिबिधि बिधि बिनती मोरी। कोउ न कथा सुनि देइहि खोरी।।
एतेहु पर करिहहिं जे असंका। मोहि ते अधिक ते जड़ मति रंका।।

After hearing all of my requests and my faults no one should curse me for my poem , and those who do so are more dumb and foolish than me.

कबि न होउँ नहिं चतुर कहावउँ। मति अनुरूप राम गुन गावउँ।।
कहँ रघुपति के चरित अपारा। कहँ मति मोरि निरत संसारा।।

I am not a poet , nor am I wise, I recite the virtues of Ram , according to my intellect. On one hand is the vast character of Lord Ram , and on the other is my narrow mind.

जेहिं मारुत गिरि मेरु उड़ाहीं। कहहु तूल केहि लेखे माहीं।।
समुझत अमित राम प्रभुताई। करत कथा मन अति कदराई।।

How can cotton withstand the mighty wind that blew up even the Sumeru Mountain. My mind is trembled while composing this poem considering Shri Ram as the supreme almighty.

1.12 – Doha

सारद सेस महेस बिधि आगम निगम पुरान।
नेति नेति कहि जासु गुन करहिं निरंतर गान।।12।।

Saraswati , Adishesha ,Shiva , Brahma , Shastra , Vedas, Puranas , by using Neti – Neti ( neither this nor that ) , all describes Shri Ram.

1.13- Chaupai

सब जानत प्रभु प्रभुता सोई। तदपि कहें बिनु रहा न कोई।।
तहाँ बेद अस कारन राखा। भजन प्रभाउ भाँति बहु भाषा।।

Although the greatness of Shri Ram is known to everyone, but one cant help without praising him.No one can completely described the characterstics of Lord , but one must praise him as per his capacity . Vedas says that the effect of Bhajans of God , is different for everyone according to his devotion.

एक अनीह अरूप अनामा। अज सच्चिदानंद पर धामा।।
ब्यापक बिस्वरूप भगवाना। तेहिं धरि देह चरित कृत नाना।।

One who is the only God , who has no desires , who has no form and no name , who is unmanifested , and is always joyful, who is the supreme destination, who is present in every being and omnipresent , the same God has incarnated multiple times to perform various pastimes.

सो केवल भगतन हित लागी। परम कृपाल प्रनत अनुरागी।।
जेहि जन पर ममता अति छोहू। जेहिं करुना करि कीन्ह न कोहू।।

Those pastimes are only for the benefit of the devotees , because God is extremely kind and loving to surrendered devotees. He never get angered at his devotees .

गई बहोर गरीब नेवाजू। सरल सबल साहिब रघुराजू।।
बुध बरनहिं हरि जस अस जानी। करहि पुनीत सुफल निज बानी।।

Shree Ram , is one who gets back the lost objects ,who is extremely kind , and one with pious character , all powerful and supreme Lord . Thus , wise people recites the qualities of Shri Ram , and make their voice pure . 

तेहिं बल मैं रघुपति गुन गाथा। कहिहउँ नाइ राम पद माथा।।
मुनिन्ह प्रथम हरि कीरति गाई। तेहिं मग चलत सुगम मोहि भाई।।

With the same force of devotion , I bow down before Ram and hereby recite the story of Ramcharitmanas. Valmiki , Vyas have sung the virtues of Shri Hari. Walking on the same path would be beneficial for me.

  • अति अपार जे सरित बर जौं नृप सेतु कराहिं।
    चढ़ि पिपीलिकउ परम लघु बिनु श्रम पारहि जाहिं॥13॥
    Rivers that are virtuous and great , if a bridge is made on it , then even small ants can cross the river with ease. In the same way I will be able to explain the story of Ram by taking reference from the works of great saints.

1.14- Chaupai

एहि प्रकार बल मनहि देखाई। करिहउँ रघुपति कथा सुहाई।।
ब्यास आदि कबि पुंगव नाना। जिन्ह सादर हरि सुजस बखाना।।

In this way , drawing courage , I write the story of Rama . Saints like VedVyas , Valmiki , have beautifully described the virtues and character of Shri Hari.

चरन कमल बंदउँ तिन्ह केरे। पुरवहुँ सकल मनोरथ मेरे।।
कलि के कबिन्ह करउँ परनामा। जिन्ह बरने रघुपति गुन ग्रामा।।

I pray at the feet of such great poets and saints to fulfill my desires and ambitions.I also pray to the poets of Kaliyuga who have written about Rama.

जे प्राकृत कबि परम सयाने। भाषाँ जिन्ह हरि चरित बखाने।।
भए जे अहहिं जे होइहहिं आगें। प्रनवउँ सबहिं कपट सब त्यागें।।

Removing all of my greed ,I greet all such poets who are wise, who have described Hari using words , who have lived on this earth or will be born in the coming future . 

होहु प्रसन्न देहु बरदानू। साधु समाज भनिति सनमानू।।
जो प्रबंध बुध नहिं आदरहीं। सो श्रम बादि बाल कबि करहीं।।

I request all of you to bless me , so that my work is accepted by the saintly society because all work goes in vain ,when it is not respected by wise and intellectual people.

कीरति भनिति भूति भलि सोई। सुरसरि सम सब कहँ हित होई।।
राम सुकीरति भनिति भदेसा। असमंजस अस मोहि अँदेसा।।

Fame , poem and property , are important only when they are like water of Ganga river i.e , beneficial for each and everyone. 
Glory of Shri Ram is immense , but my composition is not at par with his glory . I am worried of this mis-adjustment.

तुम्हरी कृपा सुलभ सोउ मोरे। सिअनि सुहावनि टाट पटोरे।।

But with the blessing of saints and sages , this can also be at ease . Just like silk cloth looks good even on a wooden bed , in the same way my poem (wooden bed) would suite the glory of Shri Ram (silk cloth).

1.14 – Doha

सरल कबित कीरति बिमल सोइ आदरहिं सुजान।
सहज बयर बिसराइ रिपु जो सुनि करहिं बखान।।14(क)।।

Wise people praise the poems that are easy to understand , are pure and listening to which even enemies would appreciate ones character.

सो न होइ बिनु बिमल मति मोहि मति बल अति थोर।
करहु कृपा हरि जस कहउँ पुनि पुनि करउँ निहोर।।14(ख)।।

Such poems cannot be written with impure intellect , and my intellect is so narrow. That is why I repeatedly request the sages to bless me so that I can describe the Harivansh.

कबि कोबिद रघुबर चरित मानस मंजु मराल।
बाल बिनय सुनि सुरुचि लखि मोपर होहु कृपाल।।14(ग)।।

Poets and saints are the beautiful swans of the river like Ramcharitmanas. Please bless me and grant me more devotion for Sri Ram.

बंदउँ मुनि पद कंजु रामायन जेहिं निरमयउ।
सखर सुकोमल मंजु दोष रहित दूषन सहित।।14(घ)।।

I pray at the feet of Valmiki Rishi , who have composed Ramayana. Who , despite of being with Khar ( Asura) and Dushan ( Rakshas), is very gentle and beautiful , and free from all sins.

बंदउँ चारिउ बेद भव बारिधि बोहित सरिस।
जिन्हहि न सपनेहुँ खेद बरनत रघुबर बिसद जसु।।14(ङ)।।

 I pray to the four Vedas , that are like a boat to cross the material world and which always describe the glory of Shri Ram.

बंदउँ बिधि पद रेनु भव सागर जेहि कीन्ह जहँ।
संत सुधा ससि धेनु प्रगटे खल बिष बारुनी।।14(च)।।

I pray at the feets of Brahma , who have created this world , who is the origin of nectar ,moon , and Kamdhenu ( divine cow), and at the same time the creator of humans and poison like wine.

बिबुध बिप्र बुध ग्रह चरन बंदि कहउँ कर जोरि।
होइ प्रसन्न पुरवहु सकल मंजु मनोरथ मोरि।।14(छ)।।

I pray at the feet of Devta , Brahman ,Pandit, planets and request them to fulfill my ambition of completing this work.

1.15- Chaupai

पुनि बंदउँ सारद सुरसरिता। जुगल पुनीत मनोहर चरिता।।
मज्जन पान पाप हर एका। कहत सुनत एक हर अबिबेका।।

I pray to Devi Saraswati and Ganga . Both of them are of pure and magnificent character. Gangaji removes our sins through her water ,and Saraswati ji removes ignorance through her words .

गुर पितु मातु महेस भवानी। प्रनवउँ दीनबंधु दिन दानी।।
सेवक स्वामि सखा सिय पी के। हित निरुपधि सब बिधि तुलसीके।।

I greet Devi Parvati and Mahadev , who are my Guru and my parents , who are protector of poor , who are servant , lord and friend of Shri Ram, and are the cause of my purification.

कलि बिलोकि जग हित हर गिरिजा। साबर मंत्र जाल जिन्ह सिरिजा।।
अनमिल आखर अरथ न जापू। प्रगट प्रभाउ महेस प्रतापू।।

Shiv and Parvati have composed the Shabar Mantras, who are neither organised nor do they have a distinct meaning ,yet their effects are visible to everyone.

सो उमेस मोहि पर अनुकूला। करिहिं कथा मुद मंगल मूला।।
सुमिरि सिवा सिव पाइ पसाऊ। बरनउँ रामचरित चित चाऊ।।

May Umapati Shiva shower his grace upon me , and make this poem the origin of joy and good fortune . In this way , remembering both Shiva and Parvati and eating their Prasad , I  describe the story of Rama – Ramcharitmanas..

होइहहिं राम चरन अनुरागी। कलि मल रहित सुमंगल भागी।

My poem would be as magnificent as the moon with the stars in the night , with the help of Shankar . People who will listen to this poem carefully , with concentration will get freedom from the effects of kaliyuga , and will become a devotee of Shri ram.

1.15- Doha

सपनेहुँ साचेहुँ मोहि पर जौं हर गौरि पसाउ।
तौ फुर होउ जो कहेउँ सब भाषा भनिति प्रभाउ।।15।।

If Shiva and Parvati are really happy of me , even in my dreams , then all the effects of this poem which I have said should be true.


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