Baal kaand chaupai (1-5)

1.1 – Chaupai

बंदउ गुरु पद पदुम परागा। सुरुचि सुबास सरस अनुरागा।।
अमिय मूरिमय चूरन चारू। समन सकल भव रुज परिवारू।।

I pray to the feet of Guru , who is filled with fragrance and love . He is like a medicine of nectar (Sanjeevani) which can cure any disease of this material world.

सुकृति संभु तन बिमल बिभूती। मंजुल मंगल मोद प्रसूती।।
जन मन मंजु मुकुर मल हरनी। किएँ तिलक गुन गन बस करनी।।

That great person is like the ‘ bhasma’ (ashes) on the body of Shiva , that is the mother of prosperity ,happiness and joy , which cleans the pure mirror like mind of human and removes the layer of dust (ignorance) and is capable of controlling great virtues by applying tilak on forehead.

श्रीगुर पद नख मनि गन जोती। सुमिरत दिब्य द्रृष्टि हियँ होती।।
दलन मोह तम सो सप्रकासू। बड़े भाग उर आवइ जासू।।

The feet of Guru Maharaj are as bright as the gems ( symbolically his knowledge ) , remembering them there emanates a divine vision in the heart which destroys the darkness of ignorance . Fortunates are those who get this divine vision.

उघरहिं बिमल बिलोचन ही के। मिटहिं दोष दुख भव रजनी के।।
सूझहिं राम चरित मनि मानिक। गुपुत प्रगट जहँ जो जेहि खानिक।।

The light of knowledge open up the pure eyes of the heart, and the pain from this night like world gets vanished .The person becomes capable to see where there are gems like Ramcharitmanas very clearly .
It means that after the ignorance is destroyed ,one can clearly identify true knowledge .

1.1 Doha

जथा सुअंजन अंजि दृग साधक सिद्ध सुजान। 
कौतुक देखत सैल बन भूतल भूरि निधान।।1।।

Just like the great sages and yogis witness the divine source of knowledge on the mountains , in the forest and inside the earth.



1.2 – Chaupai

गुरु पद रज मृदु मंजुल अंजन। नयन अमिअ दृग दोष बिभंजन।।
तेहिं करि बिमल बिबेक बिलोचन। बरनउँ राम चरित भव मोचन।।

The dust of the feet of Guru Maharaj is the soft and beautiful Anjan(lampblack applied in eyes), that can cure all diseases of eyes. After making my eyes devoid of impurities I hereby recite the Ramcharitmanas ,the sacred story of Ram which makes a person free from the bounds of this material world.

बंदउँ प्रथम महीसुर चरना। मोह जनित संसय सब हरना।।
सुजन समाज सकल गुन खानी। करउँ प्रनाम सप्रेम सुबानी।।

First I greet all Devtas and Brahman who removes the doubts that arise from ignorance. Then I greet the great sages,who are the mines of religious virtues , with my beautiful tone of voice.

साधु चरित सुभ चरित कपासू। निरस बिसद गुनमय फल जासू।।
जो सहि दुख परछिद्र दुरावा। बंदनीय जेहिं जग जस पावा।।

The character of saints is just like the life of kapaas(cotton plant). The seeds of cotton plant is pure and full of qualities , in the same way the heart of saints is pure and filled with love. They bear pain and removes the sins of other humans due to which they have attained glorious position in this world.

मुद मंगलमय संत समाजू। जो जग जंगम तीरथराजू।।
राम भक्ति जहँ सुरसरि धारा। सरसइ ब्रह्म बिचार प्रचारा।।

The company of saints is blissful and prosperous. It is like the moving Teerthraj(Prayagraj is called Teerthraj) in the world, where there is stream of Ganga in the form of Rambhakti ( devotion to Ram), and where Saraswati(river) ji spreads the knowledge of Brahm.

बिधि निषेधमय कलि मल हरनी। करम कथा रबिनंदनि बरनी।।
हरि हर कथा बिराजति बेनी। सुनत सकल मुद मंगल देनी।।

Yamunaji ( river Yamuna) , the daughter of Surya who removes the sins of Kaliyuga, recites the story of method and negation( ‘vidhi ‘ and ‘nisedh’). Triveni( junction of three sacred rivers – ganga, yamuna and saraswati) flows with them the story of Shiva and Vishnu , mere remembrance of those fills the heart with joy and happiness.

बटु बिस्वास अचल निज धरमा। तीरथराज समाज सुकरमा।।
सबहिं सुलभ सब दिन सब देसा। सेवत सादर समन कलेसा।।

The saints have a non defering faith in their Dharma , which is like Akshaywat( a divine tree in Prayagraj that was a single thing visible above water when the whole world was flooded by Narayana).The company of sages can be accessed by any individual and when people treat them with respect , their sins get destroyed. Here the sages are compared to Prayagraj( Allahabad).

अकथ अलौकिक तीरथराऊ। देइ सद्य फल प्रगट प्रभाऊ।।

That Teerthraj is divine and and indescribable and his effect is visible to everyone.

1.2- Doha

सुनि समुझहिं जन मुदित मन मज्जहिं अति अनुराग।
लहहिं चारि फल अछत तनु साधु समाज प्रयाग।।2।।

Those who listen to such saints with joy and concentrated mind ,they receive the four spiritual fruits – Dharma, Artha, Kaam ,Moksha in their mortal form itself.

1.3- Chaupai

मज्जन फल पेखिअ ततकाला। काक होहिं पिक बकउ मराला।।
सुनि आचरज करै जनि कोई। सतसंगति महिमा नहिं गोई।।

After bathing in the river of Satsang (company of saints) crows transform into nightingale, and goose transforms into swan. This should not be surprising to anyone because the wonders of Satsang are not hidden to the world.

बालमीक नारद घटजोनी। निज निज मुखनि कही निज होनी।।
जलचर थलचर नभचर नाना। जे जड़ चेतन जीव जहाना।।

Maharishi Valmiki , Naradji and Maharishi Agastya have recited their life story themselves .
Animals residing in water or on land or in sky , all species in this world,

मति कीरति गति भूति भलाई। जब जेहिं जतन जहाँ जेहिं पाई।।
सो जानब सतसंग प्रभाऊ। लोकहुँ बेद न आन उपाऊ।।

among those , whenever or wherever someone has recieved knowledge , prosperity , kindness and honour ,it is due to the effect of Satsang. Their is no other way to recieve them according to Vedas.

बिनु सतसंग बिबेक न होई। राम कृपा बिनु सुलभ न सोई।।
सतसंगत मुद मंगल मूला। सोइ फल सिधि सब साधन फूला।।

There is no wisdom without Satsang , and without the mercy of Shri Ram Satsang is not easily accessible. It is the root of joy and fortune . It is the only fruit and all other medium are just flowers.

सठ सुधरहिं सतसंगति पाई। पारस परस कुधात सुहाई।।
बिधि बस सुजन कुसंगत परहीं। फनि मनि सम निज गुन अनुसरहीं।।

Even the evil souls are transformed after getting involved in Satsang , just like iron becomes gold at the touch of Paras stone ( philosophers stone) .But if a saintly man get involved among evil people , then too he remains intact with good virtues and the company of evil has no effect on him.

बिधि हरि हर कबि कोबिद बानी। कहत साधु महिमा सकुचानी।।
सो मो सन कहि जात न कैसें। साक बनिक मनि गुन गन जैसें।।

Even the voice of Brahma ,Shiva, vishnu and Brahmins fades when describing the greatness of saints. Just like a normal merchant cannot sell the precious gemstones , in the same way I am unable to describe their greatness.


बंदउँ संत समान चित हित अनहित नहिं कोइ।
अंजलि गत सुभ सुमन जिमि सम सुगंध कर दोइ।।3(क)।।

I offer my salutations to the sages whose mind is absolutely stable , who neither have a friend nor an enemy, who perceive and bless everyone in the same manner.

संत सरल चित जगत हित जानि सुभाउ सनेहु।
बालबिनय सुनि करि कृपा राम चरन रति देहु।।3(ख)।।

Saints are simple-hearted and well wisher of entire creation. After knowing their behaviour I request them to grant me devotion at the feet of Shri Ram.


बहुरि बंदि खल गन सतिभाएँ। जे बिनु काज दाहिनेहु बाएँ।। 
पर हित हानि लाभ जिन्ह केरें। उजरें हरष बिषाद बसेरें।।

Now I offer my greetings to the evil ones , who behaves rudely even to their well wishers , who consider the loss of others as their profit and who feel happy on others sadness and sad at others happiness.

हरि हर जस राकेस राहु से। पर अकाज भट सहसबाहु से।। 
जे पर दोष लखहिं सहसाखी। पर हित घृत जिन्ह के मन माखी।।

Those who are like Raahu in the glowing moon of Hari and Har ( shiva) , and are as brave as Sahasrabahu in backbiting others. Those who see others imperfections with thousands eyes and , who are like a housefly for the butter like positive thoughts of good people.

तेज कृसानु रोष महिषेसा। अघ अवगुन धन धनी धनेसा।। 
उदय केत सम हित सबही के। कुंभकरन सम सोवत नीके।।

Those who are like flame for burning others, and have anger like Yamraj , who are as rich as Kuber in evil , who are like Ketu in destroying others happiness.It is better for them to always sleep like Kumbhakaran.

पर अकाजु लगि तनु परिहरहीं। जिमि हिम उपल कृषी दलि गरहीं।।
बंदउँ खल जस सेष सरोषा। सहस बदन बरनइ पर दोषा।।

Just like hailstones destroy the crops and themselves melts down , in the same way evil people can also harm themselves to harm others.I compare them to Sheshnaag who always points the mistakes of others with thousand heads.

पुनि प्रनवउँ पृथुराज समाना। पर अघ सुनइ सहस दस काना।।
बहुरि सक्र सम बिनवउँ तेही। संतत सुरानीक हित जेही।।

I again greet them , equating them to Raja Prithu , who asked for thousand ears to hear the glory of God, in the same way evil people hear condemnation of others. Just like Suraneek ( army of Devtas) is beneficial to Indra , in the same way Suraneek ( wine) is beneficial to these evil people.

बचन बज्र जेहि सदा पिआरा। सहस नयन पर दोष निहारा।।

Those who loves the rude tone of voice and view others mistakes with thousands eyes.


उदासीन अरि मीत हित सुनत जरहिं खल रीति।
जानि पानि जुग जोरि जन बिनती करइ सप्रीति।।4।।

Evil people are jealous of everyone who is happy , even their friends or their enemy. Having learnt this I pray to them with folded hands.


मैं अपनी दिसि कीन्ह निहोरा। तिन्ह निज ओर न लाउब भोरा।।
बायस पलिअहिं अति अनुरागा। होहिं निरामिष कबहुँ कि कागा।।

I have prayed to them(evil) from my side , but they would always curse me. No matter how much you feed a crow, it can never stop eating flesh.

बंदउँ संत असज्जन चरना। दुखप्रद उभय बीच कछु बरना।।
बिछुरत एक प्रान हरि लेहीं। मिलत एक दुख दारुन देहीं।।

Now i pray to both saints and evils. Both of them gives pain , but they differ from each other. One(saints) gives pain when they departs and go away and one( evil) gives pain when they exists.

उपजहिं एक संग जग माहीं। जलज जोंक जिमि गुन बिलगाहीं।।
सुधा सुरा सम साधू असाधू। जनक एक जग जलधि अगाधू।।

Both of them are born at the same time .But one is as soft and pure as a lotus flower and other is as harmful as a leech,who sucks the blood as soon as they contact the body. Saints are like nectar and evils are like wine.Both are born in the same ocean of material energy(world).

भल अनभल निज निज करतूती। लहत सुजस अपलोक बिभूती।।
सुधा सुधाकर सुरसरि साधू। गरल अनल कलिमल सरि ब्याधू।।
गुन अवगुन जानत सब कोई। जो जेहि भाव नीक तेहि सोई।।

Both good and bad reap the fruits of their action. On one side are nectar, moon , holy Ganga and Sadhu and on the other side are poison , fire,Karmanasha(river of Kaliyuga) and arrogance. Their qualties are known to everyone , but one performs actions based on the traits which he likes.


भलो भलाइहि पै लहइ लहइ निचाइहि नीचु।
सुधा सराहिअ अमरताँ गरल सराहिअ मीचु।।5।।

Good people intakes good values and bad people lives with bad values. Nectar is praised for giving life and poison is cursed for killing .

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