
Baal Kaand Chaupai (6-10)


1.6- Chaupai

खल अघ अगुन साधू गुन गाहा। उभय अपार उदधि अवगाहा।।
तेहि तें कछु गुन दोष बखाने। संग्रह त्याग न बिनु पहिचाने।।

Stories about kindness of saints and cruelty of evil ,both are infinite like an ocean.So some of their qualities are said, because without identifying them , these qualities can neither be accepted nor sacrificed.

भलेउ पोच सब बिधि उपजाए। गनि गुन दोष बेद बिलगाए।।
कहहिं बेद इतिहास पुराना। बिधि प्रपंचु गुन अवगुन साना।।

Both good and bad are created by Brahma, but the Vedas have differentiated them . The Vedas and Puranas say that this world created by Brahma is filled with both good and bad people.

दुख सुख पाप पुन्य दिन राती। साधु असाधु सुजाति कुजाती।।
दानव देव ऊँच अरु नीचू। अमिअ सुजीवनु माहुरु मीचू।।
माया ब्रह्म जीव जगदीसा। लच्छि अलच्छि रंक अवनीसा।।
कासी मग सुरसरि क्रमनासा। मरु मारव महिदेव गवासा।।
सरग नरक अनुराग बिरागा। निगमागम गुन दोष बिभागा।।

Joy- sorrow, sin-virtues,day-night,saintly-wicked,life-death,demon-gods and high-low , all these are created by Brahma , but the Vedas with intellect have differentiated them.

1.6 – Doha

जड़ चेतन गुन दोषमय बिस्व कीन्ह करतार।
संत हंस गुन गहहिं पय परिहरि बारि बिकार।।6।।

God have created this universe, with a combination of good and bad. But the saints , avoid the water-like evil and intake the milk-like virtues.

1.7- Chaupai

अस बिबेक जब देइ बिधाता। तब तजि दोष गुनहिं मनु राता।।
काल सुभाउ करम बरिआई। भलेउ प्रकृति बस चुकइ भलाई।।

When god grants such wisdom to a person , then his mind is filled with good virtues . Due to the dominance of time and Karma ,sometimes the saints also performs bad deeds mistakenly.

सो सुधारि हरिजन जिमि लेहीं। दलि दुख दोष बिमल जसु देहीं।।
खलउ करहिं भल पाइ सुसंगू। मिटइ न मलिन सुभाउ अभंगू।।

Good people (devotees of God) correct their mistakes . In the same way evil people also performs good deeds under some circumstances .But their usual bad behavior can not be taken away.

लखि सुबेष जग बंचक जेऊ। बेष प्रताप पूजिअहिं तेऊ।।
उधरहिं अंत न होइ निबाहू। कालनेमि जिमि रावन राहू।।

Sometimes evil people dressed as saints are also worshipped by the world , due to the effect of their clothes.But one day ,such people show their true colours. They cant hide their hide their wickedness till the end.Just like Kaalnemi ,Ravan and Rahu.

किएहुँ कुबेष साधु सनमानू। जिमि जग जामवंत हनुमानू।।
हानि कुसंग सुसंगति लाहू। लोकहुँ बेद बिदित सब काहू।।

But if saintly people are dressed badly, still they will be worshipped .Just like Jambavan and Hanuman.It is known by everyone that bad company spoils ones character and good company always benefits.

गगन चढ़इ रज पवन प्रसंगा। कीचहिं मिलइ नीच जल संगा।।
साधु असाधु सदन सुक सारीं। सुमिरहिं राम देहिं गनि गारी।।

When the wind blows the dust in rises up in the air , but the same dust gets mixed with mud when flowed with water stream. The parrots and myna of a saintly family recites the name of Ram, on the other hand when present in an unsaintly family , they can be seen abusing constantly.

धूम कुसंगति कारिख होई। लिखिअ पुरान मंजु मसि सोई।।
सोइ जल अनल अनिल संघाता। होइ जलद जग जीवन दाता।।

Due to bad company , smoke becomes kaajal . The same smoke could become ink and use to write scriptures. The same smoke could become the clouds when mixed with water vapours and give life to earth and its creatures.

1.7- Doha

ग्रह भेषज जल पवन पट पाइ कुजोग सुजोग।
होहि कुबस्तु सुबस्तु जग लखहिं सुलच्छन लोग।।7(क)।।

Planets, medicines, water and air – these elements becomes bad or good based on the company they get. Only wise and thoughtful people can realize this .

सम प्रकास तम पाख दुहुँ नाम भेद बिधि कीन्ह।
ससि सोषक पोषक समुझि जग जस अपजस दीन्ह।।7(ख)।।

Two parts of month have same days and nights.But god haved named them differently . One is named Krishna Paksha while other is named Shukla Paksha. The whole world view one of them as enlarging the moon( hence auspicious) and other as diminishing the moon( hence inauspicious).

जड़ चेतन जग जीव जत सकल राममय जानि।
बंदउँ सब के पद कमल सदा जोरि जुग पानि।।7(ग)।।

There are many living beings on this planet , equating all of them as a part of Ram , I pray to them with folded hands.

देव दनुज नर नाग खग प्रेत पितर गंधर्ब।
बंदउँ किंनर रजनिचर कृपा करहु अब सर्ब।।7(घ)।।

Gods,demons, human, snakes,birds,spirits,ancestors and Gandharv – I greet all of them .Please bless me !

1.8- Chaupai

आकर चारि लाख चौरासी। जाति जीव जल थल नभ बासी।।
सीय राममय सब जग जानी। करउँ प्रनाम जोरि जुग पानी।।

This world is filled with four types of living beings of 84 lacs Yonis. Consider all of them as a part of Shri Ram and Sita I greet them.

जानि कृपाकर किंकर मोहू। सब मिलि करहु छाड़ि छल छोहू।।
निज बुधि बल भरोस मोहि नाहीं। तातें बिनय करउँ सब पाही।।

Considering me as your servant, I request all of you to bless me , leaving aside your quality of deception. I don’t trust my wisdom and my strength , therefore I pray to all of you.

करन चहउँ रघुपति गुन गाहा। लघु मति मोरि चरित अवगाहा।।
सूझ न एकउ अंग उपाऊ। मन मति रंक मनोरथ राऊ।।

I want to explain the qualities of Shri Ram .But my intellect is short while his character is vast. I don’t find any way to complete my wish . My mind and intellect are beggars ,but my desire is a king.

मति अति नीच ऊँचि रुचि आछी। चहिअ अमिअ जग जुरइ न छाछी।।
छमिहहिं सज्जन मोरि ढिठाई। सुनिहहिं बालबचन मन लाई।।

My wisdom is very low , but my urge is high. I wish to gain nectar ,but unable to even get milk. I request everyone to forgive me for my innocent mistakes and listen to my work carefully with love.

जौ बालक कह तोतरि बाता। सुनहिं मुदित मन पितु अरु माता।।
हँसिहहि कूर कुटिल कुबिचारी। जे पर दूषन भूषनधारी।।

When a kid stammers, his parents listen him with love.But people who are evil would even laugh at this innocent act.

निज कवित केहि लाग न नीका। सरस होउ अथवा अति फीका।।
जे पर भनिति सुनत हरषाही। ते बर पुरुष बहुत जग नाहीं।।

Everyone likes his own poem ,whether it is pleasant or dull. But those who like others poems are the real saintly ones.

जग बहु नर सर सरि सम भाई। जे निज बाढ़ि बढ़हिं जल पाई।।
सज्जन सकृत सिंधु सम कोई। देखि पूर बिधु बाढ़इ जोई।।

O Brother ! Just likes rivers and lakes overflow with their own water ,so do all humans feel happy at their own success. Rarely their is someone like a sea , that , on seeing the glow of moon (others success rushes upwards as tides (feels happy).

1.8- Doha

भाग छोट अभिलाषु बड़ करउँ एक बिस्वास।
पैहहिं सुख सुनि सुजन सब खल करहहिं उपहास।।8।।

My fate is so small and desire is so large .But I am sure of one thing , that on hearing this ,the saintly people would feel happy and wicked ones will mock me.

1.9- Chaupai

खल परिहास होइ हित मोरा। काक कहहिं कलकंठ कठोरा।।
हंसहि बक दादुर चातकही। हँसहिं मलिन खल बिमल बतकही।।

But when bad people will mock me ,it would for my own benefit. Crows always mock nightingale. A goose always mocks a swan and a frog always mocks a cuckoo.

कबित रसिक न राम पद नेहू। तिन्ह कहँ सुखद हास रस एहू।।
भाषा भनिति भोरि मति मोरी। हँसिबे जोग हँसें नहिं खोरी।।

Those who neither like the poems ,nor the feet of Shri Ram , for them too this poem would be a laughing stock. Firstly this poem is a work of literature and secondly I am so poor at intellect. So such people commit no sin ,while laughing at my work.

प्रभु पद प्रीति न सामुझि नीकी। तिन्हहि कथा सुनि लागहि फीकी।।
हरि हर पद रति मति न कुतरकी। तिन्ह कहुँ मधुर कथा रघुवर की।।

Those who do not love the feet of God , those who are ignorant, they will find this poem to be dull and unpleasant. But those , who loves god, and those who do not differentiates between Sri Hari and Sri Har (Shiva) , will find my poem to be pleasant to their ears.

राम भगति भूषित जियँ जानी। सुनिहहिं सुजन सराहि सुबानी।।
कबि न होउँ नहिं बचन प्रबीनू। सकल कला सब बिद्या हीनू।।

Gentle people will praise the poem with love . I am not a poet , nor am I an expert in literature. I am devoid of knowledge and art.

आखर अरथ अलंकृति नाना। छंद प्रबंध अनेक बिधाना।।
भाव भेद रस भेद अपारा। कबित दोष गुन बिबिध प्रकारा।।

Various types of letters, metaphors and poetic devices have their own use in the literature and poems.

कबित बिबेक एक नहिं मोरें। सत्य कहउँ लिखि कागद कोरे।।

I have no knowledge about any of them .I claim this truly in the written form.

1.9- Doha

भनिति मोरि सब गुन रहित बिस्व बिदित गुन एक।
सो बिचारि सुनिहहिं सुमति जिन्ह कें बिमल बिवेक।।9।।

My work is free of all qualities.It just have a single quality. Those who listen to this ,remembering the quality ,will find this work very sweet.

1.10- Chaupai

एहि महँ रघुपति नाम उदारा। अति पावन पुरान श्रुति सारा।।
मंगल भवन अमंगल हारी। उमा सहित जेहि जपत पुरारी।।

It has the generous name of Shri Raghunath , which is extremely pure and the summary of Vedas .It is the abode of auspiciousness that removes all miseries. This name is recited by Parviti ji and her husband Shiva

भनिति बिचित्र सुकबि कृत जोऊ। राम नाम बिनु सोह न सोऊ।।
बिधुबदनी सब भाँति सँवारी। सोन न बसन बिना बर नारी।।

Poems written by great poets cannot attain glory without the name of Rama, just like a beautiful woman dressed with jwelleries cannot be glorious without clothes.

सब गुन रहित कुकबि कृत बानी। राम नाम जस अंकित जानी।।
सादर कहहिं सुनहिं बुध ताही। मधुकर सरिस संत गुनग्राही।।

On the other hand , poems that are not so good , when written with the name of Rama ,are praised by people. Generous people are like bumblebees constantly trying to accumulate good virtues.

जदपि कबित रस एकउ नाही। राम प्रताप प्रकट एहि माहीं।।
सोइ भरोस मोरें मन आवा। केहिं न सुसंग बडप्पनु पावा।।

Although this poem of mine has no art of poetry ,but it has the name of Ramchandra . This is the only faith in my mind . Being with noble people , who has not gained nobility ?

धूमउ तजइ सहज करुआई। अगरु प्रसंग सुगंध बसाई।।
भनिति भदेस बस्तु भलि बरनी। राम कथा जग मंगल करनी।।

Due to the smell of ‘Agar’ ( wood used in incense stick), its smoke gains a good fragrance and loose its bitterness.In the same way ,my poem explains the story of Lord Ram , which brings good fortune to the world.So it is to be considered good only.

1.10- Chhand

मंगल करनि कलि मल हरनि तुलसी कथा रघुनाथ की।।
गति कूर कबिता सरित की ज्यों सरित पावन पाथ की।।
प्रभु सुजस संगति भनिति भलि होइहि सुजन मन भावनी।।
भव अंग भूति मसान की सुमिरत सुहावनि पावनी।।

The story of Shri Raghunath brings prosperity and removes the sins of Kaliyuga. the presentation of my poem is not straight ,just like the path of Ganga ji. The impure ash in Shamshaan ( cremation ground) becomes pure when applied on the body of Shiva. In the same way my poem is glorious because it has the name of Shri Ram in it.

1.10- Doha

प्रिय लागिहि अति सबहि मम भनिति राम जस संग।
दारु बिचारु कि करइ कोउ बंदिअ मलय प्रसंग।।10(क)।।

Because of the honor of Lord Ram ,my poem becomes lovely. Just like wood becomes sandalwood on the Malaya hills. After becoming sandalwood does anyone care about its uselessness as wood.

स्याम सुरभि पय बिसद अति गुनद करहिं सब पान।
गिरा ग्राम्य सिय राम जस गावहिं सुनहिं सुजान।।10(ख)

Even if a cow is black in colour ,its milk is nutritious and healthy ,and people consume it. In the same way ,although written in vernacular language people listen to my poem with love and devotion.


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